Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pass It On

Pass it on, pass it on, pass it pass it pass it on...

And so it was that we had a really imba campfire songs + flagstaff decorum act. Continuing with the 1 act tradition of no PT, we jumped straight into learning some campfire songs, one of which was the source of the activity's name.

Various Sec 2s and 3s went up (or were forced up) to lead the various campfire songs like the Cannibal King, Under the Silvery Moon, Father Abraham, and other classics. Sec 2s and 3s can approach their friendly recreational committee Sec 2s for other campfire songs and whatnot if they're interested.

Later on in the act, things got (slightly) more serious. We were originally given 4 minutes 30 seconds to change from PE kit to full scout uniform. Upon failing this timing miserably, this evolved into a mini changing parade, where we had to change back into our PE kit, pump, then change back into scout uniform, and do crunches. Fortunately, it ended soon and we proceeded on for the flagstaff decorum. This was the part where we clarified our doubts as to the proper procedure during a flag-raising and lowering. Hilarious moments ensued, as various volunteers (including me) went up to try and demonstrate the proper procedure. Roflmao.

Originally, we were supposed to practise with an actual flag staff, but due to the wet weather, this aspect was cancelled. And so, after a brief practise with an imaginary flag staff, the activity came to an end and we were dismissed from the Raja Block Foyer.

I hope that everyone learnt something from today's act, be it the fun and awesome campfire songs, or the proper way to carry out a solemn Scouts flag raising and lowering. And of course, I hope you guys had fun as well :D


Monday, January 24, 2011

Skeelz Upgrade


So I bet everyone feels really upgraded and shiny after today's activity. We did quite a diverse range of activities, including, but not limited to, fire-lighting, foot-drills, and orienteering. We were supposed to do knot-tying but we ended up (k)not doing it. Hur hur hur. Oh and we skipped SRIT too. Lol. Turns out we took waay too long in the other stations. We also had to pump 24 later for mistakes incurred during footdrills .__.

As a sorta "finale" we had an inter-patrol race, where each member took turns to run up to the respective J1, either on their own or in pairs, where they would receive a task to do. The race would be completed after 10 tasks were done. Naturally we got all the GL tasks like 50 pushups (poor me) leg raises, Burpies (how the shit do I spell this) planks, sit-ups, and any other weird exercise you can think of. We came really close to becoming 1st (AHEM KF) but we lost narrowly to KF. Still, we ended up at an awesome 2nd place! Hopefully we'll try harder next time and maybe end up improving.

P.P.P.S. Falcon is totally owning this year
P.P.P.P.S. Damnit I'm gonna change the blog skin.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Goal Setting

Hey, so basically we had an act called "Goal Setting". What this means is that we spend 2 hours doing PT and 1 hour doing the actual goal setting. Which is quite retarded/weird/normal. Anyway we set up some patrol goals (which Darren hasn't sent out yet *cough cough*) relating to the various areas of discipline, attendance, and fitness.

Hopefully you guys will remember to maintain our standards of discipline and do simple things like tuck in your shirts and not fidget during horseshoe. Otherwise we'll just die for SUTC. And JUSTIN COME FOR ACT MOAR OFTEN TYVM. Yeah. Other than that, I don't really think we have many other issues so yeah...

PS: Remember to do your plogs roflmao.
PPS: It's not a coincidence that neither the PL nor APL have been assigned plogs yet.
PPS: ^ Nah jk.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ohai. This shall be the blog of Falcon 2011! May it live long and prosper (unlike last year's *cough cough*).

Random Falcon Quote: 
The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.
Sun Tzu