Friday, June 24, 2011

The Journey Continues


The holidays are ending! I hope all of you managed to finish all (or some) of your holiday homework. The latter half of the year's approaching, and with it, many fun and exciting events like Mini-Olympics, Night Hike, and even GTC! :D

I hope that all of ya will look forward to these new activities with enthusiasm. If there's one thing you guys should have taken away from AC, it's team bonding.

Random Quote: Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success

So remember to have fun, and most importantly, stay together as a patrol throughout the many awesome activities in the months to come.

Jun Xiang

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Annual Camp


Hope all of you had a great Annual Camp! Though we didn't get an epic result like first or second, I'm still happy that we tried our best and managed fourth. And of course, let's not forget that "it's the patrol bonding that matters" (I still have no idea who said this first).

Despite some setbacks (epic rain) and mistakes, we managed to put up a good showing in the end. As they say, it's the experience that really counts, and I'm hopeful that each of you will take away something from this 5-day, once a year experience. Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Jun Xiang

Thursday, May 5, 2011



MYCTs have started! Hope you all had awesome English and Chinese papers. Work hard for your MYCTs cuz Mid-Year results count towards patrol standi- I mean cuz it's for your own good. Although if you're still reading this blog it probably means you aren't studying hard. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Anyway, good luck for all your MYCTs! :D

Random images ftw!

Cheers and GLHF,
Jun Xiang

Friday, April 29, 2011

Basking in the Glow of Annual Show...


Annual Show has just ended, and the MYCTs are around the corner! Hope y'all learnt a lot about what goes on behind the scenes at a scouts campfire. A simple 3 hour production can take a lot more effort than meets the eye! More importantly, though, I hope that it was a fun experience for all of you.

For the Sec 3s, this is already your third Annual Show. We'll be having Venturez Funk Stuff next year! So do look forward to it.

For the Sec 2s, this is already your second Annual Show, so you guys will be the "veterans" next year. Don't let your enthusiasm for Annual Show die down, and work hard to make next year's Annual Show a success!

For the Sec 1s, I hope that your first Annual Show was an eye-opening experience. Try and attend future campfires with an open mind and open heart. Always remember that the scout group has spent lots of sweat, tears, and blood (okay fine maybe not so much) on their production. I also hope that you guys will be encouraged to attend more campfires in the future!

To All: Good luck for your MYCTs! Study hard and get awesome grades :D As Yi Ming says, "pass already can lah".

Jun Xiang

Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 Days Away... and Counting


Hope all of you guys are having fun in your respective Annual Show Committees! Annual Show is less than a week away, so I hope you guys (those that read this blog and many who don't) will put in one last burst of effort to make this a success. To quote Yen Ter: "Continue with the great work and we will have an incredible Annual Show!"

Do look forward to Annual Show with enthusiastic anticipation, especially the Sec 1s. It will be an experience unlike any other, truly.

Jun Xiang

Monday, March 28, 2011

Annual Show!


So here's a short post on Annual Show (particularly for the Sec 1s who don't know what it's like). Essentially, as Scouts, each Scout Group holds an annual campfire and invites other scout groups to attend their campfire. The more ossum your campfire, the better your reputation and the more prestige you get. So campfires are an important way of showing other scout groups how cool you are and stuff. 01 has traditionally had the most awesome campfire in Singapore (I'm not joking) and it's quite famous. The location for our campfire is normally jam-packed on the day itself and everything is planned quite nicely.

However, the campfire won't just be ossum on its own. Everyone in 01 Scouts plays a crucial role in this campfire, from the (mildy sian) banner committee to the more funky dance committees. Don't get discouraged if you didn't get into the committee of your choice, as after all, we're all working towards helping 01 and making this Annual Show a success. So, remember to bring your enthusiasm and excitement for all Annual Show preps and Annual Show itself. I'm sure that it will be an eye-opening experience for the Sec 1s and a wildly exciting event for the rest.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Burning Issue of Campfires...


Recently there have been a series of campfire opportunities for you guys, such as the Zhong Hua campfire, St Margaret's Campfire, and St Andrew's Campfire. I hope to see a better patrol turnout than what I've seen so far (the highest ever turnout was 3 wtf) and a common trend for campfires is to have the PL, APL, and 1 other guy there. I can sorta understand if the Sec 1s don't really want to go for too many campfires, trust me, I've been a Sec 1 before. But for the Sec 2s and Asyraf, I really hope that you guys will try and sign up for more campfires.

Campfires are a unique experience where we can go and have fun as a patrol, and many of the ones I recommend (like St Andrews) are seriously fun. Don't regard going for campfires as a chore, because it isn't. I sincerely hope that you guys will set a good example for the Sec 1s and go for as many campfires as possible. (It's not impossible to have a high patrol attendance for campfires, look at Eagle) Just put in that extra effort to make your life in 01 way more fun and meaningful. I doubt you'll regret it.

Hope to see a better campfire turn-out in the future,
Jun Xiang