Monday, March 28, 2011

Annual Show!


So here's a short post on Annual Show (particularly for the Sec 1s who don't know what it's like). Essentially, as Scouts, each Scout Group holds an annual campfire and invites other scout groups to attend their campfire. The more ossum your campfire, the better your reputation and the more prestige you get. So campfires are an important way of showing other scout groups how cool you are and stuff. 01 has traditionally had the most awesome campfire in Singapore (I'm not joking) and it's quite famous. The location for our campfire is normally jam-packed on the day itself and everything is planned quite nicely.

However, the campfire won't just be ossum on its own. Everyone in 01 Scouts plays a crucial role in this campfire, from the (mildy sian) banner committee to the more funky dance committees. Don't get discouraged if you didn't get into the committee of your choice, as after all, we're all working towards helping 01 and making this Annual Show a success. So, remember to bring your enthusiasm and excitement for all Annual Show preps and Annual Show itself. I'm sure that it will be an eye-opening experience for the Sec 1s and a wildly exciting event for the rest.

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