Saturday, February 26, 2011

Overnight is... Over!


So I hope the Sec 1s found Overnight to be highly fun, exciting and most importantly, meaningful. This will be the start of your 01 life, so remember it. Hopefully, Fright Night won't be the only thing you guys remember about this camp like 2 years later.

Overall, I think we did decently as a patrol, from stuff like the Cooking Race, to our Campfire Performance. Although we kinda screwed up by losing the tent bag (and I forgot some stuff teehee), I'm quite sure that no one is perfect. What's important is that we improve from what we learnt this time round and become better the next time. (Which means watching over the tent bag. Like really carefully.)

And, to (hopefully) make this post moar interesting, I shall post 2 pictures from Overnight!

Asyraf + Zhi Long!

Lol our ossum fish-shaped Fried Rice (????)



  1. LOL it's fun alright, but I'm utterly disturbed by fright night..dunno what I'm gonna do when I'm in year 3 T.T every night I have nightmares!! Lol jkjk, but I'm seriously disturbed.......and our food wasn't that nice *cough cough* maybe cos j** x**** didn't help *cough cough* LOL
    -Xiang Yu

  2. Lol dude I can't cook D: And yeah for a while after Fright Night I can't sleep properly either .__.

  3. Sheesh dats y ur a fail -.- go learn how to cook larh..or at least help with some stuff...-.- anyway feedback to the gc fright night is freaky..ohya and how's ur sore throat?
